RuniX (Version 3)
for macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)
RuniX is a tile matching game, but with a twist! Of course, the tiles must be the same design in order to match them and remove them from the game. However, there must also be a clear path between the tiles. The definition of a clear path is: you must be able to draw a line between the two tiles that have no more than two bends in it. The game will show you the path choosen after a valid match -- it won't take long to get the hang of it!
RuniX includes several variations on the basic game as well as many different and lovely sets of runes. Changing to a new game variant will alter the rules of the game. Changing to a new tile set will alter the difficulty of matching the runes. The combination of game world and rune set makes for dozens of different combinations. We also have an Easy - Average - Hard preference selection to make the game even more flexible!
Classic contains the original set of puzzles that came with the NEXTSTEP game "AcChen". It is moderately challenging.
Classic Plus expands the Classic set of puzzles to take advantage of the new larger play area available. It is moderately challenging.
Blocked contains a challenging set of puzzles. Beware of the immobile pieces and don't get trapped.
Flatlands is our easiest game designed especially for children. All levels are only one layer! The levels start very easy and slowly build up in complexity. Perfect for motivating children's eye-hand coordination as well as pattern matching. After finishing Flatlands you are ready for our more advanced tutorial -- Progressive.
Progressive contains a varietly of puzzles appropriate for those just starting out with Runix. This is the perfect tutorial game to learn how to play RuniX.
Timeless is a leisurely game with -- no time limit! It is a relaxing solitaire style game with moderately challenging levels.
RuniX provides both Windowed & Full Screen display modes, and an Aqua interface featuring the "Chrome" theme for the game skin. RuniX includes full Mac Help, including strategy tips and a description of the rules of the game. The game also includes an animated dock icon.
illumineX used a variety of macOS technologies in the Infinity Game PaX, including:
A bit of trivia: BabelBloX was the first fully-skinned Cocoa application to appear on macOS. BabelBloX uses a "Chrome" theme developed by illumineX for use with games.
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illumineX is available to help you build next generation mobile apps and integrated cloud services. Our engineers build not only custom business applications for our clients, but also commercial products you can download and drive. Download EyeSpy and take it for a spin, to see our latest project, developed in cooperation with Alex B. Cone of CodeFab (NYC). illumineX and CodeFab engineers have worked together on many projects over the years. We would like your project to be the next one!
illumineX can help you make apps your cusotmers love. We apply modern techniques like gamification to help you build an app that strengthens the bond between you and your customers. We've been building both large-scale, custom enterprise software and commercial games since the late 1990s. Few enterprise software developres can say that.
illumineX :: the app store is the best resume.
Pricing and Availability
The illumineX Infinity GamePaX series (including BabelBloX, HextriX, HoppiX, MarbleX, MnemoniX, RoX, and RuniX) is moving to macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and the Mac App Store this year.
Each game will be available for a low price of $4.99 which is 1/2 the original price of each game.
The Mac App Store doesn't allow us to identify our customers, so we are not able to offer upgrade pricing for previous iX Connect customers. Since the GamePaX has only been available as a free download since about 2009, we hope you'll consider this to be a reasonable upgrade fee (about 50 cents a year!)