If you recevied an email from one of these addresses and would like to know more, you came to the right place.
Occasionally (generally less than once a month) we send an email to our customers to let you know about new product offerings. We are migrating to a modern system for managing this, so that you can easily opt out of the list. (Look for the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email sent to the announce list.)
Our intention is that people on our iX Announce list are illumineX customers who at one time or another registered one of our products, including:We do not use any spammer email lists, and we don't sell our customer's email (nor other information) for any reason.
If you're not sure how you got on this list, you may have registered a product prior to our acquistion of the product or the company which made it. (Note: the product you registered may have been discontinued.)
In any case, If you don't wish to be included on future announcements, simply click the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the announcement email you received, to remove yourself from the list.
illumineX is ready to help you build your next generation integrated mobile and cloud solutions—both internal enterprise and customer-facing.
Contact us today
Oh, and take EyeSpy for a spin. The App Store is the best resume.